Do Your Own Research

– By Chuck Jones
So many of us folks get into fairly animated discussions or arguments, especially during these politically confused days. It's human nature. Even dogs and cats and horses get into discussions and disagreements, in languages and on topics we can only imagine... Read the rest

Cowboy's Four Rules of Free Speech

– By Chuck Jones
I hear every day that lots of people are sorely confused about the First Amendment. They stand in line at the grocery store and gripe and grouch about free speech and how they don't have it or should have it and how they know people who have been censored by the media.... Read the rest

We Need a $15 Minimum Wage

– By Chuck Jones
I heard the two 18-20 year olds behind the sandwich counter talking about getting paid. One said to the other that he got around $400 every two weeks. One said he was getting more like $380. They seemed mostly happy about that, but I guess I've been living under a log, and I ain't worked a minimum wage job like that in many years... Read the rest

We Need Teachers, Not Lies

– By Chuck Jones
I could be teaching right now. I've taught a few times, once as a college adjunct professor, and once in high school Seeing that I keep reading... Read the rest